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Maximise Your Cost Saving

Updated: Sep 20, 2021

Soniza have launched a new service to Maximise Your Cost Savings.

We've been savings clients hundreds of thousands of pounds for years, either by Auditing and removing unused services and infrastructure, Procuring new services for clients, or Negotiating contracts to achieve market rates.

Typically these services are based on a consultancy day rate, however, we've listened to our clients feedback and created a new service based on performance.

We now offer a comprehensive savings solution, the idea is that we use all of our experience, in-house tools and resource to maximise the savings for our client's. This may include Auditing, Benchmarking, Service reviews, Supplier Consolidation, Expense Management, Contract Negotiation and even Procurement. We charge a flat rate of 22.5% of the savings we achieve based on tangible savings.

How's this different from other savings suppliers?

We'll only invoice you as you make the saving, month on month throughout the lifetime of the contract. This means we continue to monitor savings performance and ensures the real savings are being implemented.

We can offer this across all of your telecoms or just a single service. Typically the biggest areas for savings are: Wide Area Networks, Mobiles, Telephony, Managed Services, Landlines, and Conferencing.

For more information contact us now.

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